It has been a whirl wind week. I have traveled almost 2000 miles, and drove most of them. I have slept little, played much, and served more. I, along with another sponsor, took our youth all the way down to
Monroe, Louisiana to a "
Week of Hope" event put on by "
Group work camps Foundation". I would highly recommend them. They take kids and force them out of their comfort zones and into work crews with people they don't really know. The results are staggering. I served the Lord, and made friends. My Youth did tremendous. Everyone wanted to keep them, but I got too. ;) Major Kudos to my work crew as well, you guys rock and hopefully a few of you will hop on here to see this. If you would like to see some more Photos from our trip, go
Of course now, we are back. The reality of my unemployment that I had correctly been pushing aside all week now has come back down upon my psyche. It really, really is a painful thing to me to worry if I can find a job that will provide for my young family. I believe that God will provide, but still, I am anxious. One of the jobs I am planning to apply for is that of a teacher at
Shekinah Christian Schools. I always said that I would never be a teacher. Don't say things like that. I am also going in to
UPS on Tuesday morning to see if I can get something in the meantime. The
Conservative Mennonite Conference is
meeting at the end of July in our area, and of course I have said yes to way too many things. It should be a crazy month of July.
On the homefront, Grandma Rose has helped Kris out in my absence, an invaluable service that we are very grateful for. In her last act before she left today, she finished up Kalvary's Birthday Cake. That is right, my little girl is going to be two. On an unhappy note, the other night before I came back, everyone went to the park, and Kalvary fell of the swing and got a rather large abrasion on her back. It seems very painful, so hopefully it heals quickly.