Thursday, March 30, 2006

Radio day

Currently I am at the Radio station monitoring the Brian freeze program. This trying to post everyday is kind of tough to do. Like this is my last oportunity today. The brain freeze crew is in the radio studio giving the listeners their faith topic of the night. They chose to talk about foot washing ;). They are all decked out in radio station finery (their T-shirts) for a promotional picture that is being taken tonight. Tomorrow I have a meeting early then we have a live half hour show at 10pm and then I am going to spend the rest of the day showing Elaine how to schedule the stuff on the station. Then tommorrow evening Grandma and Grandpa Shirk are coming to visit for the weekend, we are looking forward to it.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Always willing to serve.

Here is a picture of Kris, that clearly shows how pregnant she is, as requested by her sister Deb. Today was rough, yesterday the production computer at the station totally crashed and I didn't get it back from the tech guys until about 2 this afternoon. So....not much got done today. We had small group this evening which went pretty good. Tomorrow is my long day, when I have students from 3pm to 9pm at the station and I have stuff to catch up on now that the computer is back. I don't really have anything else to tell this evening except I have a cut on my finger that makes it hurt to type. :)

Monday, March 27, 2006


In an attempt to liven this up, I am going to try to post on a daily bases. Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts. Today was a decent day. I try to schedule the music and programming for the whole week on Mondays, so that was the majority of my day. Kris and Kalvary were fairly busy. They went to the church where Kris and Joy Freed worked on the church Library for a bit. Then we had a prenatal clinic appointment at three. I went along to keep Kalvary company. Fun stuff. The baby seems to still be doing well, even though it has an irregular heartbeat. We will be having another ultra sound just to check into that next week sometime. Then this evening we went grocery shopping, realizing that a. We had run out of food, and b. We have company coming this weekend. I like grocery shopping. Mostly because I like food. I have found a good excuse to drive up to rosedale to basketball at 6:15 tomorrow morning. Kris says we need stuff from Yutzy's farm market. I always have to find a good excuse, since gas is so expensive. Here is a picture of Ed and Elaine, the two people taking over for me at the radio station, and Myself. It was in the paper about a week ago.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

New stuff

Sorry for not posting very often lately. I would like to say it is because I have nothing to say, but it is more that I have just been to busy. I'm fairly tired tonight, having preached this morning. That always wipes me out. This past week, Kalvary, Kris and I all had about a day of sickness, fortunatly not all the same day. Today at lunch Kalvary just up and threw up all the food she had eaten. It was pretty nasty. We don't think she was actually sick, she just started coughing and it got her gag reflex going. I don't have any news on the job front, but I hope to know something in the next couple of weeks. At the station we are gearing up for the transfer of leadership. Ed and Elaine should be starting the first of april. I am looking forward to training them. Here is a picture of Kalvary and her Cousin Kaelyn. Also if you like simple little computer games I found this one intriguing. Oh and check out David and Lisa's new babies.

Friday, March 10, 2006


Either this Guy is really talented, or this is all fake.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Kalvary the little muscle woman

Have I seriously not had a post since Feb 21st? Whew that stinks. Why did I set this blog up anyway? Sorry for the neglect. In my defense, I have been busy, but since I am always busy, it is not much of a defense. Here is a wierd news story for fun, and a couple of pictures of Kalvary, trying out her new specs and also playing with Mommys wieghts.