In an attempt to liven this up, I am going to try to post on a daily bases. Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts. Today was a decent day. I try to schedule the music and programming for the whole week on Mondays, so that was the majority of my day. Kris and Kalvary were fairly busy. They went to the church where Kris and Joy Freed worked on the church Library for a bit. Then we had a prenatal clinic appointment at three. I went along to keep Kalvary company. Fun stuff. The baby seems to still be doing well, even though it has an irregular heartbeat. We will be having another ultra sound just to check into that next week sometime. Then this evening we went grocery shopping, realizing that a. We had run out of food, and b. We have company coming this weekend. I like grocery shopping. Mostly because I like food. I have found a good excuse to drive up to rosedale to basketball at 6:15 tomorrow morning. Kris says we need stuff from Yutzy's farm market. I always have to find a good excuse, since gas is so expensive. Here is a picture of Ed and Elaine, the two people taking over for me at the radio station, and Myself. It was in the paper about a week ago.
Yay! New posts! I want to see pictures of my beautiful sister so I can see just how pregnant she is :)
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