New stuff

Sorry for not posting very often lately. I would like to say it is because I have nothing to say, but it is more that I have just been to busy. I'm fairly tired tonight, having preached this morning. That always wipes me out. This past week, Kalvary, Kris and I all had about a day of sickness, fortunatly not all the same day. Today at lunch Kalvary just up and threw up all the food she had eaten. It was pretty nasty. We don't think she was actually sick, she just started coughing and it got her gag reflex going. I don't have any news on the job front, but I hope to know something in the next couple of weeks. At the station we are gearing up for the transfer of leadership. Ed and Elaine should be starting the first of april. I am looking forward to training them. Here is a picture of Kalvary and her Cousin Kaelyn. Also if you like simple little computer games I found this one intriguing. Oh and check out David and Lisa's new babies.
Here's some other cool games:
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