Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's time to BLOG! (since I may not be able to for a bit)

Some of you may be wondering why I don't have pictures of my family on here more often. It's mostly because my wife steals the good ones. Thanks for the comments on my last voting question. In response.

Jared: I have tried the whole no shoes thing. My feet dry up, crack, bleed, and still itch. On top of that they hurt to bad to walk on. Prosthetics start sounding pretty good.

Joy: No Idea, but I'm picturing Shaun with red toe nails and I think it would be a good look for him.

Kara: Yeah, I know. Our genes have it out for us. I came to the conclusion a while ago that diabetes is probably in my future, but here's the thing. I think heart disease is a strong possibility as well. In an effort to avoid both, I would have to cut out sugar AND fat from my diet. I can do one, or the other, but both is HARD. Is it worth it? I could work my head off, run 3 times a week, go totally health nut on my food, and probably still not make it to 80. In the meantime I've wasted all this time and money, because, yes eating healthy is more expensive. Just compare the price of Vienna sausages to that of fresh veggies sometime. Is it worth the effort and dare I say it, the obsession it would take. Grrr. I have told Kris, I have the body and metabolism of a hunter/gatherer. Work hard all week with little food, when you manage to find something, gorge yourself. In today's world, you can manage to find something every minute of every day.

In reference to the title. This weekend is our annual church retreat. I'm looking forward to it. Especially the football game:). Next week is when I lose my mind, or maybe I've already lost it considering what I'm going to attempt. I'm going to take a week of classes at Rosedale as part of their IPS program, AND I'm planning to work all week. I don't want to take vacation time, and I want to do IPS. The good thing is I think I have figured out how to get the whole thing paid for. Otherwise I don't think I would chance it. Insanity, thy name is Freed.

Voting Question for this week.
What most contributed to American obesity?
1. The invention of agriculture (granted, that goes back a ways)
2. Great availability of processed food. (mmmm. American cheese)
3. Great wealth and success.
4. Fewer kids per family.
5. Television.
6. Other

Have fun.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

New Topic

Well, it seems that most people would least like to burn or drown, although my buddy Craig brought up the great point that in a plane crash you can do both. Me personally? I would rather drown than burn. I've heard that burning is extremely painful and if you drown, once you lose consciousness that's pretty much it. I'm sort of surprised that nobody choose other and got creative. :) You know, like, " I would least like to be stripped naked, dipped in honey, and fed alive to ants." Oh well. This next voting topic is mostly out of a life long struggle of mine.

What is the best way to get rid of Athletes foot?

1. Take the medicine at the store and it will go away.
2. Go to a doctor and get some extremely expensive medicine you have to take for half a year.
3. Soak your feet in Garlic twice daily
4. Eat Nuts (seriously, I heard some "expert" saying this.)
5. Remove your feet.

I've tried the first two and am seriously considering the 5th.

In other weirdness, my friend David has been keeping us all up to date on a local circus of a city council. I found the video of the latest incident he mentions. (warning, it is a little violent.)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Finally, another funny video

This cracked me up.

Pigeon Defense

Friday, September 14, 2007

Desparate Effort.

Larissa is home and doing much better now. You can read about it at the link in my previous post.

As the title hints, this a desperate effort on my part to get some activity going on my blog. Both from me, and any readers I have left. I am going to try to come up with some interesting question to vote on each time. Just leave a comment and vote. First one.

Which of these modes of death would you least like to experience?

1. Drowning
2. Falling
3. Fire
4. Plane Crash
5. Heart attack or stroke
6. Other and explain

Yes I know. Morbid, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Keeping connected.

Many of you know of my pastors daughter and one of my youth members motorcyle accident this past weekend. You can keep up with her condition and recovery here.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Great news!!

A very close friend of mine recently informed me that she and her husband were expecting a baby in April. Check it out here.