Saturday, September 22, 2007

New Topic

Well, it seems that most people would least like to burn or drown, although my buddy Craig brought up the great point that in a plane crash you can do both. Me personally? I would rather drown than burn. I've heard that burning is extremely painful and if you drown, once you lose consciousness that's pretty much it. I'm sort of surprised that nobody choose other and got creative. :) You know, like, " I would least like to be stripped naked, dipped in honey, and fed alive to ants." Oh well. This next voting topic is mostly out of a life long struggle of mine.

What is the best way to get rid of Athletes foot?

1. Take the medicine at the store and it will go away.
2. Go to a doctor and get some extremely expensive medicine you have to take for half a year.
3. Soak your feet in Garlic twice daily
4. Eat Nuts (seriously, I heard some "expert" saying this.)
5. Remove your feet.

I've tried the first two and am seriously considering the 5th.

In other weirdness, my friend David has been keeping us all up to date on a local circus of a city council. I found the video of the latest incident he mentions. (warning, it is a little violent.)


Blogger Jeff & Kara Thoman said...

Hmm, I have a theory on the Athlete's foot thing, and it's probably not one you want to hear. Okay every patient that I have taken care of with type 2 diabetes has had the nasty toe nails. I know that you don't have this, but it's in our genetics. When you have diabetes it ruins the circulatory system and eventually every organ in your body. When blood can't get to the site of an infection (in this case a fungal infection), or the blood can't get there very well our body cannot fight the infection.

Okay so in your case I think it's possible you may be prediabetic (I've been told I am:( ). If the pills don't work more than likely nothing else will. The pills are in the blood and go directly to the site of the infection. Sorry to say it my dear brother but I am pretty sure you will have this the rest of your life.

With that said I know there is a prescription toe nail polish that goes directly on the nail that is supposed to help. Not sure if it does or not.

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eating nuts sound like the most fun option... Wonder if the prescription nail polish comes in red... :)

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're doing amazing things with prosthetics these days if you do decide to go with option 5. :-).
Wearing sandals and going barefoot outside as much as possible does wonders for athlete's foot--not so much for ugly toenails--which are you talking about? I've noticed that some of my shoes (the ones that are especially air-tight) are worse than others.
- Jared

6:23 PM  

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