Woah, It's been awhile.

Now that I have totally neglected my blog, let me update you on my busyness. Kris and I are in a Christmas play at our church and have had to be at practice a ton. Also the Armory Youth Center is having some difficulties so I have had to sit through many a board meeting. Right now I should be working on my IPS homework, since it is due Friday and I am leaving for thanksgiving tomorrow.
Radio wise I am hard at work. My play by play guy Ed Conley, and I went around trying to drum up some sponsorship for the upcoming basketball season today. Had some success. Coming up next Monday is Old Fashioned Christmas in London. We plan to play lots of Christmas music and I have some roving reporters that will be hitting streets (pictured). In January we are also planning to have a technical seminar for pastors, to help them understand powerpoint and to explain how they can get their messages played on WCYC-LP. I must get to my homework now. Hopefully it wont take me two more weeks to blog again.