Change of Plans

Well, I had planned to work at the station all day today, but Kris caught a flu bug last night. You , know, the kind were she was throwing up every half hour. We're pretty sure it is a bug and not the fact that she is pregnant, since she seemed almost over the morning sickness thing. Anyway, all that to say that I got up at five, went in to the station and worked 2-3 hours. I basically made sure that it would run until tommorrow night and that it would sound like someone was there live until tommorrow noon. Then I rushed back to take care of Kalvary today, so that Kris could rest. Oh, yeah, and I get to take care of Kris too. :)
I did have a couple of projects that I wanted to get done at home, so it is working out ok. I cleaned the fish tank with the help of Kalvary-poo. She is such a big help ;). She mostly got in the way, and had fun watching the fish jump out of its bucket. One of the pictures I am including is of our fish. Their names are Beans and Rice. We used to have a Pleco named Lizano, after our favorite Costa Rican sauce, but he kicked the bucket when I forgot to turn the heater on this winter. Beans and Rice are Koi, which means that they will eventually get to be 3-4 feet long. That is, if I don't manage to kill them first. They have already grown several inches since we bought them and we will eventually move them into my parents pond.
The next thing I did was put Kalvary down for a nap. Then I made a batch of soap. One of my hobbies is soap making and I want to have a batch of bars to sell at the Freed thanksgiving auction. The extended Freed family started having an auction last year to help cover some of the costs of everyone traveling to, and renting a location to hang out. If anyone wants some soap, let me know.
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