Kalvary's Costume

I still plan to do a more radio oriented post at some point, but who can focus on radio when your daughter is as cute as this?
We weren't going to take her tricker treating at all, but grandma Freed had this little strawberry outfit squirreled away, so we let her take Kalvary around to a few select houses. Kris stayed at the house and gave out candy to the few neighbor kids who stopped by, and I had an armory board meeting. While you're thinking about it, say a prayer for the armory. We are going through a trying time as an organization.
This past weekend was a fun one. Kris and I are in the Church Christmas program so we had a practice Saturday morning. Then I had to preach on Sunday. My theme was fellowship, and it seem to go rather well. Sunday Evening was our church's annual Harvest Party, which was the usual blast, if you don't count me getting my new jeans dirty, trying to two hand touch Rob.
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