I mean, who doesn't. This past week was the annual conservative mennonite conference, this time being held in Goshen, IN. I started feeling kind of scratchy on thursday, and by Friday I had a full blown cold. Over the weekend it developed into a sinus infection. I've never had one of these before and I'm hoping that this is the last time I do. You can read about the condition
here. Basically, air pockets in your face and head get infected and fill up with mucus. My face hurts. I stuck it out for a while, but since it doesn't seem to be going away on it's own and your sinuses are also responsible for much of the resonance in your voice, I finally went to the doctor today. I have production I need to get done at the station and it would help if I could talk. It is also difficult for me to go to sleep. The Doctor kindly prescribed an antibiotic and a nasal decongestant. The latter also nicely tells me that I shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery, at least till I know how it affects me. Um... I need to get to work tomorrow, so I'm going to be driving. Luckily I don't feel woozy yet.
Other than getting sick conference was fun, although whoevers idea it was not to provide Nursery care in the evenings and on Sunday morning should really reconsider for next year. It means that parents of young children might as well stay home.