The Camping trip.
Jared, Shaun, John, Cole and I went real men's camping this weekend. Almost. We did drive to a place that we know of, that we affectionately call "blue hole" that is not a real campground or site. It really is camping out in the woods. No bathrooms or electric outlet. I had originally planned for one meal to be an "only eat what you can catch, kill and gather." However, I hurt my back on Saturday and since I was planning to be the main one catching, killing and gathering, I am really happy that Jared brought lots and lots of hot dogs and Italian sausages. Smart man. My lower back still twinges every so often especially when I stand up. We still had fun and saw cool stuff. Blue hole is near Dunbar PA and it is basically a mountain pool fed by a stream where you can slide off of a natural water fall, or even jump off a 30 ft cliff into the pool. Straight up cool. One thing that was puzzling is that we went and looked at an old stone structure that Shaun had found before. We have no Idea what it could be except for some fairly wild guesses. My pictures aren't great, but I would be interested to see if anyone knew what this was. We are guessing that it is really old.

Sounds like it was fun man. I'd love to try that someday! No clue what that structure would be...
Looks like a bridge support or an iron ore furnace. any sign of ore or blacken rock in the area?
Looks a bit like the ore furnace at Greenwood Furnace State Park across the mountian from Belleville, PA.
I agree with Joy. It looks like a furnace of some sort.
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