Our getaway
Its been a bit. Mostly because we have been gone. Kris, Kalvary and I headed to Goshen, Indiana last week for the annual ministers fellowship that the Conservative Mennonite Conference puts on. I had never been to one and since this one was being held in Kris's home town, we would have needed a really, really good excuse not to take our daughter to visit her grandparents. And we did better than that, we left her with them over this past weekend so that Kris and I have a little getaway to Chicago.
We rode the train up on Friday morning, after being dropped off by David, who also came out with Lisa to pick us up when we returned. Thanks guys. We stayed in the Congress Plaza hotel, which was decently affordable, and spent the day walking up and down a freezing Michigan Avenue. We went to Borders, a little Tai restaurant that wasn't that great, Hersheys, and tons of other stores that we didn't buy anything at. :) Oh and we also went to McDonald's and Starbucks. Saturday morning before we caught the train back we had breakfast in a little place called the Artists cafe near our hotel... All in all an enjoyable experience, especially just getting away a little bit.
Of course now, we are back to reality. I have much to do this week, with an Elders meeting tonight, lots to do at the station and a sermon to get ready for Sunday. Such is life.