Lazy Saturday.

Whatever. Today did not feel lazy. It might be because of the lack of sleep we are still getting. Glory is settling down, but she wont be sleeping through the night for a while. This morning, Grandpa and Grandma Shirk came by, had breakfast and said goodbye. Grandma will be back in two weeks, when I go with the Youth to Louisiana.

After they left, Kalvary and I went to walmart to get a slow leak in one of our new van's tires fixed. The wait was two hours so we wondered around walmart. I had forgotten the diaper bag, fortunately for me Kalvary held off on filling her diaper, and when snack time came around, we enjoyed some free samples. We ran into no less than 6 people from church. Walmart is a popular place. Then we went back to get the van. They couldn't find a leak. Nice. Two hours. At least is was fun bonding time. Then this evening, Grandma and Grandpa Freed came over for supper and to hold and coo over Glory. They brought the pizza and watermelon and it was all delicious. They placed Glory in a dolls basket at one point. It made her look like Moses. She also didn't like it much.

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