Some Labor Details

Before I forget, here is how the labor went. On Monday night we were going to just go in, Kris was going to get some medicine that is just supposed to soften up her cervix. Sometimes it can send you into labor, and that was the hope. If that hadn't happened by morning they were going to give her some small doses of Pitocen (labor starting drug) to get the ball rolling.
It didn't happen that way.
When we go there they put the medicine on the night stand and hooked Kris up to a monitor. The medicine stayed on the stand for the next two hours, and I think it eventually got tossed in the trash. From the get go Glory's heartbeat was way to fast, and while it seemed that she wasn't in distress our midwife and a Doctor who was passing through, felt that the baby had to be monitored more closely. This called for breaking Kris's water, and attaching a monitor to the baby's head. This, of course, started labor. They then gave Kris pitocen, which made the contractions come so hard and furious, that by the time Kris was at 5 Centimeters she asked for an epidural (she had Kalvary without). Things calmed down for a while until about 245 when they checked her and found her to be at 10 centimeters and ready to push. Glory was born at 3:08 and now you know how it happened. If you want more details, you can call Kris and ask her tomorrow, I'm sure she would love to talk about it. The pictures are of Kalvary holding Glory, so far she LOVES her, and Grandma Rose holding her as well. Rose has been invaluable to us, taking care of both Kalvary and us as we get through this transition. If you want to see some more pictures just go here.
You do such a good job reporting info, almost every time I check, you have something new on ! Good job!
Thanks for the pictures! I love how content you all look.
Peace to you.
Ryan we are so glad all is well with Kris and the new baby , God Bless you all Love aunt Liz Durham NC
Congrats. Yea for Epidurals!! Those are great pics. We're very happy for you guys.
Congratulations, She is cute. You look very tired but thats okay you will get sleep sometime in the next 20 years! We have a double stroller that you can have it is in good condition we just don't use it. If you want it we will bring it when we come out for the bike trip. Love MIM
So she only pushed for 23 minutes? That is a huge blessing.
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