I have NEWS!

Yes, I have news. At our appointment today, we discussed some options and decided that Kris would be admitted to the hospital tonight. They will give her some drugs that sometimes help to start labor, and at least soften things up a bit, and then if she hasn't gone into labor by morning they will induce. So this baby is getting born tomorrow, whether it likes it or not. :) Since the appointment I have been really busy. I went to the store to do some last minute shopping, put up our new compost heap I've been meaning to do, and worked on our new clothesline. Ran out of time there. I have the posts ready to go, but at 4pm I realized I just didn't have time to dig two 4 foot holes and pour concrete. I also got our laundry room doors bottom shaved off so that it will close better. I took it over to Richard Troyers shop, Acorn Cabinet Company to get that done. Tomorrows the day. Stay tuned. I may update, I may not, but I will let you know when it is all over. :) Oh, and here is a picture of Kalvary that grandma took. Kalvary likes using her new broom.
FINALLY! Praying all goes well... Rachel
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