Big Girl
Kalvary has been worrying us a little with her treatment of Glory. She sometimes hits her. We think it is in fun and she just doesn't realize it might hurt Glory. But yesterday we found out that she does feel responsibility towards her. We were at Levi and Cora's playing Settlers of Catan with Kirby and Holly. Glory was out in the living room with Kalvary, Alyssa and Great Grandpa and Grandma. We are not sure what happened, but at some point Levi went to take a shower and Cora went to the kitchen. Kalvary came running into the room where we were playing, crying and saying, "Baby fall over, Baby fall over." I ran into the other room, and sure enough, somehow Glory had fallen out of her car seat, and was on the floor. She scared me a bit, because she wasn't moving, but when I picked her up, I found that she was sound asleep. We don't know how she fell out, but we do know that it scared Kalvary and she knew where to go to get help, and how to articulate it. Here is Kalvary, sitting in the very same car seat, reading one of the alphabet board books that Sydney and Erin sent us. Thanks by the way, she is having a ball with them.

Happy to provide Kalvary entertainment for at least 3 1/2 seconds :)
- Erin
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