Saturday, January 14, 2006

Big stuff

This has been a phenomenally busy week for me. Sunday we had a trustees meeting at church at which I presented where the station is with the translator. Monday Night was an Armory board meeting, at which I resigned my position as General Manager of the Radio station, effective June 1st. The meeting was significant in other ways that I can't share here. On Tuesday we had an Elders meeting for Church, nothing earth shattering happened, but it was still another meeting. Wednesday I had a radio committee meeting in the morning, a Small group meeting at night, one in which I had to lead the study. Did I mention Wednesday was my birthday? That's right, Ryan is now 29. I feel old. Thursday was a usual Thursday, which means I had to spend most of the day at the radio station. Friday was a better day, we had Mom and Dad and Jeff and Kara over to play Settlers of Catan and have supper with us. The busyness was increased by the fact that I have procrastinated on my homework for IPS and now have a five page paper I am working on. Obviously I am taking a break to blog. :) Hopefully next week will be a little lighter, but I doubt it.
I did get some nice stuff for my Birthday. A French press that makes really good coffee. At least I think it is good. I'm not always the best judge of such things. I also received the expansion pack for Settlers, although it hasn't arrived in the mail yet. Anyday now. Can you tell I don't want to work on my homework? If you want some interesting reading, check out Craig's blog. He has been wrestling with some intriguing issues of late.


Blogger Deb said...

Wow! Sounds like a busy week with a lot of changes. Happy belated birthday by the way. Some how your birthday hadn't made it on to our (seldom followed) birthday-card-sending-calendar. Any plans for after June 1 yet?

11:49 PM  

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