This past Crazy weekend

The Freeds got away to a cabin in the Hocking hills area this past Friday through Sunday. It was a good time, although quite tiring. I must be getting old. Staying up till midnight just beats the tar out of me. I am happy to say that out of the 4 Settlers of Catan games that I participated in, I won three. Not to Gloat or anything. We hiked a bit, but mostly we hung out in the cabin and relaxed. Kalvary got her first taste of a Hot Tub. She kept wanting to take her baths in it. Jeff and Kara made some pretty stellar Pizza, and Shaun cooked up some delicious steaks. All in all the food we had was pretty awesome.
For those of you who haven't heard about the Echo Cardiagram Ultrasound we had on thursday of last week, it went quite well. They couldn't find anything wrong with the baby's heart and couldn't hear even an inkling of a heart murmur. Praise God for that!! We are getting close to the end with only 4-5 more weeks to go in this pregnancy.
Today was busy, I trained Elaine for most of the morning. She is really picking things up well. Both her and Ed have been very impressive with their vision and drive. I feel that I am leaving the station in capable hands. This afternoon, I went home since I knew that I would be gone this evening. At 3 we had a prenatal appointment. That went well, Kalvary usually has such a blast with the toys and the people there, and once again the new baby is doing great. Then this evening I had two meetings at the armory, one with Ed, Elaine, the Armory Director Roger, the assistant Director Debra, and an astute radio advisory member, Molly. We discussed Ed and Elaine's roles in relation to the power structure at the armory. Then at 630 we had a regular board meeting. It also went well although long. After reading this book you deserve some pictures from the previous week. They are fairly Self explanatory.
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