Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A New day and a new Question

Well, on my last post, which granted was a really long time ago, we seem to be agreed that we are fat because we are lazy, and we are lazy because we have lots of wealth and TV. To catch you up a bit. I made it through IPS, or at least the week of in Class work. Now I have 6 months worth of homework to do. Joy. I keep telling myself that I willingly chose to do this.

Some scary news that most of you already know. Since the last time I posted, my Dad was diagnosed with Colon cancer and he had surgery yesterday to remove a 3rd of his colon. If you want to keep up on him, there are regular updates here. My family has pretty much had the roughest year of our lives to date, what with mom, and now dad. The good news is, it seems that they probably caught it early enough, although we'll know more when we hear the pathology reports on Wednesday.

I'm supposed to preach Sunday and I was working on that for most of this evening, so this blogging is my reward before I hit the sack. Still have alot of work to go on that.

The Question for this week is sort of open ended and I have a few theories of my own. I preached at Shekinah's Chapel service last Wednesday, and I told them that it seems to me that our culture worships youth. My question is, Why does our culture worship Youth? I don't think it has always been this way, we used to revere age. Let me have it. If you think I'm wrong you can let me have that too.

And now something to laugh at. A string of jokes about Bacon.


Blogger Julie said...

First of all, I really enjoy your thought provoking questions. It makes blogging very interesting. Second, that bacon stuff was just plain funny!!

On to the question of the week. With more and more resources available to us (air travel, better paying jobs, etc) our culture has tended toward moving up and moving out. Many from the generation parenting teens today are living much farther from "home" and have less contact with their parents. Also bring into play some of the changes in family structure and relationships brought out by rebellions of the 60's, and you may find that parental skills are not being passed down from generation to generation as it was longer ago when grandma used to live with you.
Also, so many people today want to give their kids everything they never had. So, you have parents that don't know how to say no and are too busy with work and personal projects to find out what is really happening in their kids lives, and kids who have always been given whatever they ask for never being taught self restraint.
Then, there are technological advancements that become a necessity to daily living. It can be difficult to teach old dog new tricks, and technology is easier for the young to learn and implement in daily life.
Of course, I have no statistical data to back any of that up, all opinion so take it for what you will and with a grain of salt!

12:15 AM  
Blogger Justin & Elizabeth said...

Hey, we got the news about your dad a few weeks ago and we're praying!

I think our culture worships youth because of the extreme amount of "goodies" available. People want to give their kids stuff they never had and they don't want to grow up because that means becoming wise. And wise people really don't care about stuff... they care more about saving for retirement or a rainy day...okay so maybe I've been listening to too much Dave Ramsey... but I think there's something to it:-)

oh, good luck with all your homework!

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its because old people are stupid. jk its 'cause we make things easier with all of r txt mssge slang. lol idk this was posted by ryans bff John. ttfn

10:02 PM  

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