Monday, May 07, 2007


Busy weekend. I got up at 530am on Saturday to finish my sermon in time to do stuff with family, then on Sunday, I got up at 5 to put together a program for WEEC that I can usually do on Friday. If the company that produces it doesn't have it ready in time, then I have to do it Sunday morning, and I wanted to practice my sermon a few times. The Sermon went well, actually the entire Sunday service was very good. Sunday afternoon, Kris and I went to visit mom. I had been feeling queasy all morning, but just figured I would tough it out. I spent about 5 minutes with Mom when I decide, "Yep, I'm sick", and that I shouldn't be in the presence of someone sicker who certainly didn't need my bug on top of her troubles. I spent the rest of the visit in the bathroom and the waiting room. I didn't go to work today, still running a fever and having stomach issues, although by tonight I am feeling a little better. Going to try to go to work tomorrow. I think I slept 5 hours during the day today and am still feeling tremendously tired. Grrr.

Oh, I had my check up with the Doctor today to see how my liver and gall bladder ultrasound went. He asked if I had ever had mono. I replied that I don't remember having it, but the LAST time they checked my liver for this very problem(high liver enzymes) they told me that I had had mono at some point. He said, that explains it, you have some fatty deposits on your liver and you have had mono, that is why you have high liver enzymes. So... basically the same thing they figured out before. Doesn't seem to be a problem. He is also going to give me two months to bring down my cholesterol. 247 isn't high is it? :) I have already cut fat out of my diet as of two weeks ago. I think he doesn't want to proscribe cholesterol lowering drugs since they can damage your liver, and my liver already has problems. I don't want drugs either, since I don't want to have to bother taking them. Thanks for the prayers for Mom and keep them coming.


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