Thursday, July 20, 2006

Do I always have to think of a title?

It is hard to believe that the annual conservative Mennonite conference takes place next week. I hope we are ready for it.

This week I worked for Richard Troyer from church two days. I did alright, but it is not stuff that comes naturally to me. He builds cabinents mostly. I should admit though that most of the work he gave me involved hulling stuff or smashing stuff and that does come naturally to me.

While bashing up a desk I managed to impale one of my fingers with a nail. I am pretty sure that I am overdue for a tetanus shot, seeing as my last one involved a certain triple hooked fishing lure. That was ten years ago. I did some research on Tetanus and it appears that even if I should contract it, I will probably survive.

No I haven't heard from Shekinah yet, but it should be any day.

This coming weekend we are having a picnic for our neighborhood at our house. I hope people come, and I hope that they don't think we are trying to ambush them and get them to come to our church. I mean, that would be nice, but we want to be friends too. I told Kris that we shouldn't even mention our faith this time unless someone asks. I do hope to hand out some flyers for our upcoming family fun day at church, maybe when people leave.

One last thing. We are trying to sell some stuff on craigslist again. We have had great success buying, but we just can't seem to get anyone to buy from us. It might be because we aren't selling anything great. We are trying to sell this and this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Air Grizzly smashing something??? Nahhhhh...I can't imagine that. I can't imagine the Grizzly doing something, like, say...knocking over small helpless trees either. Heheheheheh.

7:03 PM  
Blogger Ryan L Freed said...

Wow, I haven't knocked a tree down in a while. I ought to go do that again. It is a great way to loose frustration.

2:50 PM  

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