A New Post

First off, a new picture of Kalvary. A more current picture. Also, what I have been doing today. I got up. Made pancakes for Kris and Kalvary. Took a shot at making Maple syrup, Results mixed. I got a loaf of bread cooking. Then I had a brain storm. I always heard that you could make tea from wood Sorrel and we have tons of the stuff growing in the back yard. So I gathered some and using a recipe I have for garden tea I tried to make it. It worked out kind of ok. I put to much sugar in. You can read more about wood sorrel here http://altnature.com/gallery/Violet_Wood_Sorrel.htm
Now I am going to head off to the Radio station and work on stuff for our first home game broadcast, which is tomorrow night. Oh and if you are bored and want to do fun stuff, go here, www.homestarrunner.com
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